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Heathcote Creek 
extra virgin olive oil

This beautiful oil is made along

side our Heathcote Creek shiraz. 

Planted at the same time in 2004.

The variety is called Arbequina

 (Spain) it boasts a strong nutty and

spicy taste. This oil is perfect

accompaniment for a lovely crunchy

sourdough, vienna loaf or traditional

foccacia. Not to mention any salads

and veg of your choice. 


  •    2x Cucumber

  •    2x Tomatoes

  •    half -sliced red onion

  •    1x sliced bird eye red chilli

  •    bunch of torn basil

  •    Salt and pepper

  •    Heathcote Creek Extra Virgin Olive oil 

  •    A loaf of Focaccia, or any type of rustic bread

  •    1 glass or (bottle) Leverato Pinot Grigio 




Glasses Icon
  • Pinot Grigio

  • Vermantino

  • Riesling

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